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Ice, Not Heat: The Surprising Benefits of Cold Therapy For Pain Relief

muscle pain ice vs heat therapy

While heat may seem like the obvious go-to for relieving muscle aches and pains, cold therapy can be a more effective option. In this article, we discuss the surprising benefits of cold therapy for pain relief and how it can help you find long-term relief from chronic discomfort. What is Cold Therapy? Cold therapy, also …

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Benefits of Seeing a Chiropractor in Tucker GA

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A chiropractor is someone who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, with an emphasis on the spine. Chiropractors in Tucker, GA provide a different set of services so it’s important to find the one that understands your current situation and helps you achieve your goals. A chiropractor uses a variety of techniques …

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Celebrities Give Testimony to the Effectiveness of Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic Adjustments

Many celebrities choose chiropractic adjustments over surgery. Countless celebrities from around the globe prefer to see a chiropractor. It can help avoid prescribed medication, physical therapy, and even surgery. Therefore, smart and health-driven successful people who suffer discomfort pick chiropractic adjustments for pain relief. The same techniques used by celebrities are practiced in our practices. …

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How Chiropractic Helps Tiredness and Fatigue

tiredness and fatigue

There are many factors which impact how tired we feel, in addition to quality and length of sleep: mental state, diet, exercise, etc. Tiredness also has a strong correlation with the amount of mental, physical and emotional energy expended each day. Yet here is a little-known fact…POSTURE directly relates to a person’s level of fatigue. Why is this, and what can you actually do about it?

How to Choose a Great Chiropractor

how to choose a great chiropractor

Knowing how to choose a great chiropractor is no easy feat. In fact, the process of seeking out chiropractic care and the right provider can overwhelm the first-time patient. Medical care is divided into specialties (e.g., cardiology, pulmonology). The chiropractic field, on the other hand, has numerous variations that are less self-explanatory. The advice …

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Cold Turkey

cold turkey diet

After addressing patients’ various health conditions for over two decades, I have found that so many health problems can be traced back to poor diet. Poor diet causes inflammation in the body. This leads to many ills. America’s poor eating habits are leading to unprecedented obesity and an explosion of diet-related conditions, in adults as …

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Good Health is True Freedom

Good Health is True Freedom Photo by Zac Durant Unsplash

In order to truly be free, we need to be healthy, both spiritually and physically. If physical health is lost, spiritual health can suffer. A person who has lost health spends all time and resources trying to regain it. This limits one’s ability to focus on spirituality, or anything else for that matter. A person’s …

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Are you sick & tired of living with pain and physical limitations?

Are you ready to regain your health and enjoy a more active, fulfilling life?
Schedule your free 15-minute chiropractic consultation at our Tucker office.