Today's Hours:

How a Man with a Broken Back Ran a Half Marathon

How a Man with a Broken Back Ran a Half Marathon

New Study: Advance CBP for Fractured Vertebra The chiropractic experts at Complete Spine Solutions have helped thousands of patients suffering from moderate to severe pain associated with degenerative diseases, post-traumatic injuries, and abnormal spinal deformities such as spondylolisthesis. Spondylolisthesis is a broken backbone in which part of the vertebra slips or shifts into an unnatural …

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Is Your Spine at Risk for Injury?


What you don’t know about your spine can hurt you. We all know that the design of the spinal column evolved to protect our spinal cord and nerves from injury. However, did you know that the shape of your spine can increase or decrease your risk of a spine injury? Recently, our office published a …

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Journey to Avoid Spine Surgery

Avoid Neck Surgery

Watch How Bob Avoided Neck Surgery How to Avoid Neck Surgery People travel from near and far to seek our unique and different approach to getting off pain meds, avoiding surgery and truly living…happier, healthier, stronger and longer. This is an interview that took place between Advanced Certified Chiropractic BioPhysics Doctor, David Shapiro, and Complete …

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You’ve Been in a Car Accident, Now What?

car accident injury

Immediately following the accident… After an auto accident, your body’s immediate response is to send blood to damaged areas. This will create painful inflammation of the tissues. Ice should be used to help control this inflammation. Use an ice pack as needed to help control your pain. Apply the ice pack for 20 minutes at …

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A More Efficient CrossFit Workout

crossfit chiropractor

CrossFit trains the body to function optimally and efficiently as a unit. The more effectively your body functions, the better your body performs. What controls all the parts of the body, including the muscles? “Your nervous system“ When the nervous system is functioning optimally, it allows your muscles to perform at their best. Your body …

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Manipulation vs Adjustment

spinal manipulation

What’s the difference between a Manipulation and an Adjustment? Are all adjustments the same? Is there a difference between spinal manipulation and structural/postural improvement? Mobilizing the joints of the spine is a practice most chiropractors, some physical therapists and a few osteopaths use to alleviate patients’ pain and enhance their range of motion. This care …

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Are you sick & tired of living with pain and physical limitations?

Are you ready to regain your health and enjoy a more active, fulfilling life?
Schedule your free 15-minute chiropractic consultation at our Tucker office.