Today's Hours:

Cold Turkey

cold turkey diet

After addressing patients’ various health conditions for over two decades, I have found that so many health problems can be traced back to poor diet. Poor diet causes inflammation in the body. This leads to many ills. America’s poor eating habits are leading to unprecedented obesity and an explosion of diet-related conditions, in adults as …

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A More Efficient CrossFit Workout

crossfit chiropractor

CrossFit trains the body to function optimally and efficiently as a unit. The more effectively your body functions, the better your body performs. What controls all the parts of the body, including the muscles? “Your nervous system“ When the nervous system is functioning optimally, it allows your muscles to perform at their best. Your body …

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Manipulation vs Adjustment

spinal manipulation

What’s the difference between a Manipulation and an Adjustment? Are all adjustments the same? Is there a difference between spinal manipulation and structural/postural improvement? Mobilizing the joints of the spine is a practice most chiropractors, some physical therapists and a few osteopaths use to alleviate patients’ pain and enhance their range of motion. This care …

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Good Health is True Freedom

Good Health is True Freedom Photo by Zac Durant Unsplash

In order to truly be free, we need to be healthy, both spiritually and physically. If physical health is lost, spiritual health can suffer. A person who has lost health spends all time and resources trying to regain it. This limits one’s ability to focus on spirituality, or anything else for that matter. A person’s …

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Burn More Calories Just By Eating? Yes, You Can!

Burn More Calories by Eating

We’ve all seen the gym rats drinking their protein shakes pre and post-workout but unbeknownst to most, they’re burning even more calories (and more throughout the day) than just what they burn in their workout.  Yet high protein diets have been glamourized and chastised by the media for the past several years. The no-carb and …

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Are you sick & tired of living with pain and physical limitations?

Are you ready to regain your health and enjoy a more active, fulfilling life?
Schedule your free 15-minute chiropractic consultation at our Tucker office.